Scope of questions for State exams of Bachelor's degree program
Branch: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Subject: Subatomic Physics
Subjects regarding the questions:
- 02SF Subatomic Physics
- 02SF2 Subatomic Physics 2
- 02DPD12 Detectors and Principles of Detection 1 and 2
1. Overview of elementary particles and interactions
fundamental interactions and their properties; elementary particles and their properties: quarks, leptons, intermediate particles; antiparticles; electromagnetic and weak interaction properties, electroweak unification; strong interaction properties and quantum chromodynamics: color, asymptotic freedom, quark confinement; conservation laws; space-time symmetries: continuous and discreet
2. Hadron structurequark
model: structure of baryons and mesons; hadron properties: strange, charm and beauty particles; experiments exploring the structure of the nucleus and hadrons: Rutherford scattering, inelastic scattering, formfactor, Rosenbluth formula, deep inelastic scattering; parton model - partons, jets, Feynman diagrams
model: structure of baryons and mesons; hadron properties: strange, charm and beauty particles; experiments exploring the structure of the nucleus and hadrons: Rutherford scattering, inelastic scattering, formfactor, Rosenbluth formula, deep inelastic scattering; parton model - partons, jets, Feynman diagrams
3. Equations of motion and kinematics
cross section, luminosity, resonances and Breit-Wigner formula; Schrodinger equation; Klein-Gordon equation; Dirac equation; two-particle decay, Dalitz plot; relativistic kinematics, laboratory and cms frame and transformations; high energy kinematical variables – Bjorken x, Feynman variable, rapidity, pseudorapidity
cross section, luminosity, resonances and Breit-Wigner formula; Schrodinger equation; Klein-Gordon equation; Dirac equation; two-particle decay, Dalitz plot; relativistic kinematics, laboratory and cms frame and transformations; high energy kinematical variables – Bjorken x, Feynman variable, rapidity, pseudorapidity
4. Accelerators
charged particle accelerators: types, working principles, limitations; synchrotron radiation; types of magnets used at accelerators, injection of particles to the accelerator; plasma accelerators; overview of current experimental centers and main experiments
charged particle accelerators: types, working principles, limitations; synchrotron radiation; types of magnets used at accelerators, injection of particles to the accelerator; plasma accelerators; overview of current experimental centers and main experiments
5. Basic characteristics of nuclei
basic characteristics of atomic nuclei and how to measure them; nucleon structure of atomic nuclei and nuclide card; binding energy and how to release the rest energy of nuclei; properties of nuclear forces and deuteron
basic characteristics of atomic nuclei and how to measure them; nucleon structure of atomic nuclei and nuclide card; binding energy and how to release the rest energy of nuclei; properties of nuclear forces and deuteron
6. Models of atomic nuclei
liquid drop model; Fermi model and shell model; generalized model and collective states of nuclei
liquid drop model; Fermi model and shell model; generalized model and collective states of nuclei
7. Transmutation of nuclei and nuclear reactions
kinetics of radioactive transmutations and decay chains; alpha decay; beta decay; gamma transitions; mechanisms and models of nuclear reactions
8. Applications of nuclear physics and cosmic radiation
applications of nuclear physics; cosmic radiation
applications of nuclear physics; cosmic radiation
9. Interaction of radiation with matter
interaction of charged particles: energy loss, multiple Coulomb scattering, Cherenkov radiation and transition radiation; interaction of photons; interaction of neutrons; applications.
interaction of charged particles: energy loss, multiple Coulomb scattering, Cherenkov radiation and transition radiation; interaction of photons; interaction of neutrons; applications.
10. Detectors and principles of detection
general properties of detectors; detection principles; gaseous ionizing and proportional detectors, Geiger detector; semiconductor detectors; scintillating detectors, photomultipliers
general properties of detectors; detection principles; gaseous ionizing and proportional detectors, Geiger detector; semiconductor detectors; scintillating detectors, photomultipliers