Applied Physics

Scope of questions for State exams of Bachelor's degree program

Branch: Physics of Plasma and Thermonuclear Fusion

Subject: Applied Physics

Subjects regarding the questions:

  • 02MECH Mechanics
  • 02ELMA Electricity and Magnetism
  • 02TER Heat and Molecular Physics
  • 02VOAF Waves, Optics and Atomic Physics
  • 02TSFA Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
1. Dynamics of a mass point
–Newton’s laws of motion, Newton’s gravitation law, Galilei’s principle of relativity, one-dimensional motion, linear harmonic oscillator, mathematical pendulum.
2. Mechanics of asystem of particles
–impulse theorems, conservation laws, König’s theorem, two-body problem, Kepler’s problem.
3. Special theory of relativity
–postulates of special relativity, Lorentz transformation, length contraction, time dilation, proper time, interval addition of velocities, Minkowski space-time, relativistic energy and momentum.
4. Maxwell’s equations
–integral and differential form of Maxwell’s equations in vacuum and material environment, laws of Gauss, Amper and Faraday, vector and scalar potential, Lorentz force.
5. Electrostatic and magnetostatic fields
–Coulomb’s law, electric intensity, energy of a system of charged particles, electrostatic potential, multipole expansion, electric dipole, polarization vector, magnetic dipole, magnetization vector, Biot-Savart’s law.
6. Waves in dispersive and non-dispersive media
–standing and travelling waves, energy and the density of energy flow for a string, wave equation, dispersion relations, wave packet and Fourier transformation, group and phase velocity, spherical and plane wave.
7. Electromagnetic waves
–plane electromagnetic wave, energy density, Poyntig’s vector, intensity, polarization, interference and diffraction.
8. Atomic physics
–black body radiation, Planck’s hypothesis, photoeffect, de Broglie’s hypothesis.
9. Thermodynamics
–principles of thermodynamics, Maxwell’s relations and thermodynamical potentials, entropy, ideal gas and its properties, thermodynamical equilibrium.
10. Statistical physics
–the most probable distribution, Maxwell’s distribution of velocities, canonical and grand canonical ensemble, partition sum, equipartition theorem